Friday, November 9, 2012

Mama Barred Owl is Back!

Wild Birds Unlimited’s Owl Box Cam Resident
Everyone at Wild Birds Unlimited is excited to announce the launch of Owl Box Cam. For a second consecutive year, they have the pleasure of watching a mama Barred Owl raise her young and share in all the milestones. Currently mama is on two eggs, which should be hatching very soon!

An 11 year project, this is the second year that Jim Carpenter, President, Founder and CEO of Wild Birds Unlimited has successfully attracted a Barred Owl to his nesting box, located in northwest Indianapolis, Indiana. Owl Box Cam is live streaming during daylight hours (US Eastern Time).Enjoy many of the milestones from last year’s brood (Sarah & Percy) bywatching these recorded videos. With Owl Box Cam, we hope to bring people and nature together by sharing our joy and passion for the hobby of backyard bird feeding and the natural world all around us.Please visit Wildbirds Unlimited Blog visit our blog to share your comments and observations about mama and her young.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. Great flight pictures!!!! I live in Toronto, Canada, and this past weekend, my wife, Jean, and I came upon a Barred Owl near Markham, Ontario. This was the second time in six weeks that we have come upon, and filmed, an owl out in the wilds. The first was a Saw-Whet Owl. Prior to these two sightings, we had never seen an owl in its natural habitat. Needless to say, it has been an exciting six weeks. Our pictures and video of the Barred Owl sighting are posted on our blog at:
